Man and His Planet
Have you ever come across a publication that is truly objective in its view of creationism versus evolution? MAN AND HIS PLANET: An Unauthorized History is such a work. It examines both sides of the controversy by employing each side’s supporting arguments to refute its own conclusions. An extraordinary alternative fills the resulting void. It also presents an astonishing picture of earth’s history, dealing at length with natural electrical phenomena occurring in antiquity and recorded in ancient documents, the Bible among them. Such phenomena would not be obvious to the typical anthropologist or historian. But thanks to his electrical engineering background and an unfettered perspective, Strickling has shed a surprising new light on a number of ancient texts. This book will change the way you view the world without insulting or contradicting your religious convictions. You will walk away with a newly enlightened outlook of earth’s ancient past
About the Author
James Strickling holds degrees in electrical engineering and marketing. He is also a cum laude graduate in Interdisciplinary Studies (natural sciences, ancient history, philosophy). He is a former N.A.S.A. contractor and a former Member of the AT&T Technical Staff. He also taught mathematics for fifteen years at Georgia State University. Mr. Strickling has published numerous articles in professional journals such as KRONOS, Aeon, Catastrophism and Ancient History, Creation Research Society Quarterly, the British Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Workshop, and the journal Genesis in Sweden. His research and insight have led to numerous remarkable and original observations concerning earth’s mysterious history.