Dangerous Days, The Autobiography Of A Photojournalist

This gripping tale follows the lives of three teenage boys during their ascent into manhood. Divided into four short stories, Dangerous Days encompasses the events that took place during a particularly turbulent year of the young men’s lives.

The stories center on 14-year-old Wesley, his best friend Graham, and their archenemy, Scott. In “Storm Ridge,” the boys find themselves trapped on a mountain during a hiking trip and must learn to work together in order to survive. The boys’ story continues in “Paddle Hard” when they come face to face with dangerous drug traffickers.

Months later, the trio must rescue a young girl from kidnapping terrorists, only to discover an appalling, twisted history of cruelty, betrayal and attempted murder in the final two parts, “Outback Heroes” and “Enemies Within.” Through an array of vibrant landscapes in Australia and England and intricate storylines, Turner takes us on an adventure of epic proportions.

About the Author

Author J. William Turner was born the youngest of three children in Reading, England. His family immigrated to southeastern Australia during the mid-1960s where he attended school and began working for the Australian Commonwealth Public Service in Melbourne and Geelong. Dangerous Days is his second published novel.